Check that the matching item is the exact same brand, condition, model, year and color.
Our Best Price Guarantee is simple - we will match or beat the lowest price on the internet on our huge selection of quality equipment.
Check that the matching item is the exact same brand, condition, model, year and color.
Are you not sure if the retailer is authorized? Our Sales Team Experts are able to verify!
*Price matching is at the discretion of Sparks Fitness.
The item must currently be available for purchase on sparksfitness.net and the website you’re matching.
Go to Sparksfitness.net
Navigate to the qualified product for price matching.
Then Call or click Confirm Availability to verify a price match. Please include a link to the matching retailer's item.
For questions regarding SPARKSFITNESS.net products, orders, or other inquiries.
For questions regarding a SPARKSFITNESS store, store purchases, or other inquiries.
If you think you are eligible based on the above, contact us at 214-919-3060 before you place your order. We will verify item eligibility. Sparks Fitness has the final decision for matching a price.
For more authorized retailers, contact us at 214-919-3060.
Last updated: 01/24/2024